Minute VS. 2025

PHIL IS JUMPING INTO 2025!!! Hey regularFAM, after adjusting to my second semester of the school year, it is my pleasure to write the season premiere devlog for two-zero-two-five! I’ll update you guys on the progress I’ve made from January 1st to now and what direction Minute will be leading in for the future. It’s great this is the first log of the year because I’m very proud of all the work I’ve made on 1.0 these past two weeks. When I say I’m proud, i have a picture of the games file framed on my wall because I actually accomplished a TON. Let’s take a looksy! Keep in mind that this progress has been made in Scratch, NOT Unity. 

3rd Level
To start off crazy, I FINALLY FINISHED THE THIRD LEVEL! That’s right, after 2 years of promoting the release of another level, I completed the rest of its development in 2 DAYS. It didn’t take 2 years for no reason, well, maybe… Coding this level was not as easy as it was to code the other two levels. So every time I tried to get back to it, I found myself procrastinating and ending up fixing bugs or adding new mechanics instead. I honestly have no idea what drove me to complete pretty smoothly something that took so long for me to figure out before. 

Here’s how insane I looked in those 2 days! With the level done the game is practically finished. Buuuuut obviously Rome wasnt built with just 3 levels. I’m now off on my brave journey to complete the rest of the features, bug fixes, and redesigning!

Phil (dude who jumps)
Did you notice closely in the picture above that Phil looks slightly different? That’s right, he received his long life dream graphical glow up! I redrew his sprites using my new ipad and ibis paint. 

For animation, the most Phil ever had was two frames. One of him idle, and the other flying in the air. But now, the new update now contains ONE NEW frame… THE CROUCH!! Created wonderfully to wind up his jump, say hello to to the inventor of momentum! No idea why I’m dragging this part… I just think he looks significantly better than what I put on the planet in 2022. let’s appreciate new Phil and move on!

Pause button
Since the beginning of time, there has been one feature in the world that mankind has implemented in every single video game in existence solely because it is plain common sense, the pause button. All games include one, right? All… except one. What developer could have been so evil and foolish to leave out such a basic necessity for our world’s convenience in a public game?…

Not me!
You can tell it’s still early in development by how basic it looks. Don’t worry it will be much cooler than just a quit button and a volume adjuster!

The future
Minute still remains my #1 passion project since my brain thought of it in February 2022. After a long history of unmotivated breaks, personal setbacks, and (secret) side projects, I see the future for this game to be brighter than ever. And in addition to the new year, the possibility of forming a kind community doesn’t seem far fetched. We may even see the full release in 2025! With that said, here’s a short list of new features I’m either planning, or already currently adding into the game. (Not including previously mentioned features)

  • Mobile & gamepad support- This seemed inevitable. I always used to open the game on my phone and forget there aren’t any mobile controls lol. Still not very certain releasing gamepad compatibility would be useful but I got bored once and created a version of Minute that used Turbowarp’s gamepad extension so who knows!
  • Multiplayer- Seems like a stretch at the moment. But perhaps after 1.0 with more levels it could be a fun race to the end type mode!
  • Skins- Taking the flavorful concept from the Halloween update a step further. Might not be Bart Simpson and Mickey Mouse in the same game anymore but I’m open to suggestions!
  • Score- Thought of a way to make some sort of Minute-meter that measures your score of a completed level based on how many lives you finished with and the health of your arrow. 90 and above should be a good score required to beat.

Thank you so much if you managed to read till the very end and if you’re new, please consider following the journey of this games development with me. I appreciate every one who plays my games whole heartedly and can’t wait to have a small community of dorks that play my silly little game. :D Have a good day Minuters! 

Get ready for the Minute 1.0 update TODAY!


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